
Used Deckel Maho Machines

Machinesused.com is an online auction that buys and sells used Deckel Maho machines.

Friedrich Deckel founded the Friedrich DECKEL AG Company in 1898 to develop and produce high-precision camera shutters. However, in 1911 they also began supplying the tool machinery they developed for manufacturing these their camera shutters since such precise tooling equipment was hardly available on the market at that time. By 1940 this special machinery construction became the principal business of the company. Because of the adaptability of these milling machines for a wide variety of tasks, this company became the fourth largest tool machinery manufacturer in Germany by 1972. In 1976 development and manufacturing of camera shutters was discontinued and in 1993, DECKEL AG merged with MAHO AG to become DECKEL MAHO AG. As of January 2015 a cooperation agreement between DMG MORI Seiki Aktiengesellschaft with DMG MORI Seiki Company Limited.

The adaptability, ingenuousness, and versatility of the Deckel milling machines make it possible for them to solve a wide range of machining problems. By utilizing the choice of heads and tables combined with its other accessories, the production of complex milled and drilled components with a very high standard of accuracy is possible. Whether new or used, DECKEL industrial equipment is ideal for tool, mould, and prototype production.

Our inventory of used Deckel machines changes daily. If we do not have the used Deckel machinery you are interested in, let us know, and we will work to find it for you. If we do have the used Deckel industrial equipment you need, contact us or request a quote.

Visit www.lathes.co.uk/deckelwww.lathes.co.uk/maho, and de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Deckel for more information about Deckel Maho machines.